The Collective: An Explorative Study on the Theory of the Archetypes and the Collective Unconcious Through Conceptual Portraiture
Submitted as my undergraduate thesis for my degree on the Bachelor of Fine Arts Major in Advertising Arts at the University of Santo Tomas
The main objective of this study was to explore the perplexing forms of the collective unconscious known as archetypes. 
In Carl Jung's perspective, three stratums exists in the human psyche: The Consciousness, The Personal Unconscious & The Collective Unconscious. According to Carl Jung's theory, All humans have a part of the psyche that is collective in nature which means that all of us have it. It is a part of the psyche that is hereditary, rather than personal. They call it the Collective Unconscious. Contents of the Collective Unconscious are known as Archetypes. 
ARCHE: Beginning/Origin
TUPOS: Pattern/Model/Type
Archetypes are psychic tendencies or patterns of behaviour originating from the primitive past of the human species. 
Archetypes are said to have no permanent forms, or they are simply directly ire-presentable, but they express themselves through different modes such as dreams, fantasies and delusions. Archetypes can also manifests themselves in consciousness through archetypal images which could be found in different art and literary works. 
There could be a countless number of archetypes as there are countless numbers of repeating experiences in our daily lives, but only a few have been completely conceptualized, others remained as vague concepts. 
The study involved exploring different art and literary sources such as myths, legends, folklores and etc. to be able to conceptualise portraits that contains archetypal imagery that would represent or give form to these archetypes.
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The Collective

The Collective

The Collective: An Explorative Study on the Theory of the Archetypes and the Collective Unconcious Through Conceptual Portraiture Submitted as m Read More
